1937 to 1945: World War Two.

Robert S. Watson

In the 1920s and 1930s, good people were unable to stop frightened,
selfish people from following hateful, violent leaders into war.

With threats and violence all around, many bullies pushed their way (or
sweet-talked their way) to warrior power in the 1930s.

A girl mourns the killing of her big sister by Nazi air bombing
during the 1939 invasion of Poland.

Ambitious 'warrior' political leaders led their followers to attack millions
during World War Two, from 1937 to 1945: the worst perversion in history.

Dead office workers, killed in the Allied carpet bombing
of Dresden Germany.

Because so many streets and cities of whole families and businesses were
utterly destroyed between 1937 and 1945, the identity of many victims
remains unknown. War destroys knowledge. So we don't know the exact
number, but approximately 80 million people were killed between 1937
and 1945 by their neighbours and invading governments.

Censored people are easily lead by authorities to kill and die.
(US national security poster).

This bloodbath makes World War Two the worst hell-on-Earth in human
history. So far. Of course, at the personal level, every deception, harm or
killing that people do to other people in any time or place is hell-on-Earth
for the victim, and sometimes for the perpetrator.

Charlatans promise instant wealth to addicted, endebted consumers.

Today people increase their fear, greed, and hatred around the world.
Many people follow leaders who promise hard solutions (harm to others)
and instant wealth (by deception), so our loved ones suffer yet again.

Most people follow the stranger next to them into investors' wars and harm.

Hell starts by forgetting that normal people abrogated their morals and
chose to follow 'leaders'. Most people followed their equally confused
neighbours into World War Two.

UK and US Fascists supported Nazi invasions in the
Rhineland DMZ, Spain and Poland .

In March 1936, the followers of Germany's leader Adolf Hitler invaded
the demilitarized zone adjoining France. Rather than defend world
peace and stop fascism, the governments of the United States, the British
Empire and France (the Allies) let Hitler invade the Rhineland DMZ.

Fascists among the Allies supported Hitler again later in 1936, when Hitler
supplied weapons, ships and air force bombing to the Fascists in Spain.
London and Washington stood aside as Fascists crushed Spain's brief
democracy in the Spanish Civil War.

China suffered many invasions before Japan's 1937 attack.

Fascism was also rampant in Asia. Back in 1894, Japan invaded China with
the support of fellow empire-builders Britain and the United States. Then
Japan attacked China again in 1931 and captured Manchuria.

On July 26,1937 Japan attacked Beiping (Beijing). Many historians date
the start of World War Two from Japan's 1937 expanded invasion of China.

A starving boy and mother were digging potatoes when the German Air
Force killed her from the air. Poland, September 1939.

The Fascists won their war in Spain in early 1939; and the right wing in
the US and UK applauded Hitler. So when Hitler invaded Poland some
months later on 1 September 1939, he assumed the US and UK would
let him occupy Poland as a colonial slave camp.

Instead, Britain (and hence the British Empire, including Australia)
declared war on Nazi Germany. But American investors (such as General
Motors, Ford, General Electric and IBM) were heavily invested in
fascist Germany and Hitler's war economy. So the Americans stayed out of
World War Two in 1939, 1940 and most of 1941.

Having captured Poland, Germany turned west and quickly defeated
Noway, Holland, France and Britain's Empire forces in France. British Empire
forces retreated from Dunkirk in May 1940.

A year of Nazi rule followed in Europe. Millions of anti-fascists and Jews
were betrayed by their neighbours, enslaved in work camps, raped,
tortured and murdered.

Two great movies, among many, which show this time in Europe are
The Pianist (2000) directed by Roman Polanski and Lacombe Lucien
(1969) directed by Louis Malle.

On June 22, 1941, Hitler gave the lie to his treaty with the Soviet Union
(The USSR was a united states of Russia, Ukraine and 13 other
Republics). Hitler invaded these 15 republics. Hitler's eastern invasion
turned out to be the most terrible slaughter of the war. Of the 80 million
people murdered by their fellow creatures World War Two, about 27
million people in the Soviet Union were slaughtered by Hitler's followers.

Meanwhile in Asia, the US competed with Japan to control China's
resources. The Chinese Nationalists (under Chiang Kai-Shek) were trying
to repel the Japanese, and allied themselves with local war lords, the
USSR and the US in order to try and regain Chinese control of China. Japan's
occupation of China interfered with American's own colonisation of China
and so the US began supplying weapons to the Nationalists to use against
the Japanese invaders.

World War Two soldiers killed millions of people so investors
could take control of oil and oil-powered machines.

An oil rig. Indonesia had the oil Japan needed for its industries and wars.
The colonial Japanese denied oil to the Chinese. The US denied oil to
anyone who didn't kowtow to its oil companies on Wall Street.

In July 1941, the US imposed a siege on Japan - an oil embargo. The US
also demanded Japan leave China (leave China's colonisation to the Americans).

Japan responded to the US siege by attacking the American colony of
Hawaii at Pearl Harbor on 7 December 1941. At the same time, Japan's
navy sailed south to invade Dutch Indonesia and capture Indonesia's oil

Now that Japan had attacked, the US was prepared to ally itself with the
British Empire and the Soviet Union to defeat Japan and Germany. The
huge American economy was swung into full war production. The US
supplied equipment to the Soviets and leased or sold equipment to the
British in return for Britain's gold reserves and some British colonies.

During 1942, Britain and Australia fought Germany in north Africa.
By October 1942 the British, Australians and other Empire forces were defeating
the Germans in Africa and the Mediterranean.

In Britain, anti-fascist refugee scientists from Nazi Europe continued
their nuclear energy research. This research moved to the US and atom bombs
were eventually built and tested in Nevada.

An introductory movie on nuclear war is Threads (1984 UK). Australia and Britain
exploded nuclear bombs in Australia in the 1950s. Some areas still kill with cancers.

Meanwhile, the Soviet Union turned the tide of war in early 1943 by
defeating German armies at Stalingrad. The Soviet army then pushed the
Germans west in retreat towards Berlin. The Soviet Union's lonely repulse of
Hitler's invaders hammered battles across Eastern Europe for the next year,
1944 and into 1945.

America lead the Allied forces into Sicily on 10 July 1943. The Allies
then attacked German forces on the Italian mainland. On June 6, 1944, the
US and British Empire forces landed in Normandy (France) and pushed
eastwards through France and Germany. US and Soviet soldiers met up
and shook hands at Torgau village, midway between Dresden and Berlin.

The Soviet Union advanced into Berlin by late April 1945. On April 30,
1945, as the Soviets shelled the ground above his bunker, Germany's
leader Adolf Hitler committed suicide down below. Germany surrendered.

Meanwhile, the Chinese, Koreans, Vietnamese, British Empire
countries and the Americans were still fighting Japan in Asia.

On 6 of August 1945, America dropped an atomic bomb on the civilian
population of Hiroshima Japan; and another bomb on Nagasaki on
August 9, 1945. The Japanese Emperor surrendered over the radio,
on August 14, 1945.

Why did people choose to live and die in the WWII nightmare for eight years?

A growing number of people in the 1920s and 1930s tolerated (and
then followed) fascist speakers and organisations in their own
countries. Politically active people chose Stalin in the USSR (1924) and Hitler
in Germany (1933), and so on. By choosing for the right wing, ordinary people
made (for themselves and their neighbours) the most horrific time in human history.

Weapons investors get rich by telling their followers in the media to spend on wars.

Sadly, the heroes who resisted fascism did not end hell in 1945.
There were too many fascist supporters who lived in the US and other
countries who survived, or won, or profited handsomely on Wall
Street from weapons sales for World War Two.

In 1945, American Wall Street lawyer and spy Allen Dulles collaborated
with Nazi generals in order to protect American businesses that were
invested in fascist Europe. Among his secret army, Allen Dulles rescued
Hitler's intelligence chief (east) Reinhard Gehlen from a war crimes trial and
execution. Controlling the SS during the War, Gehlen tortured and killed
millions of civilians and war prisoners in Eastern Europe.

Instead of justice, Wall Street lawyer Dulles recruited Gehlen as the chief of
America's post-war German Gestapo. Gehlen worked for Washington
against Europe's anti-fascists who had defeated Hitler. Returning to
the US, Dulles helped set up the CIA. He became its long-running Director
in the 1950s.

As CIA Director, Allen Dulles was also instrumental in Australia's
secret police and spy agencies (including ASIO and ASIS). Dulles worked
with Australian Governor General Sir Richard Casey and other espionage
officers to expand the right wing and Dulles' American alliance by
'nation building' in Australia.

Casey was a leader in the Liberal Party of Australia and even today,
one joins the Liberal Party to 'strengthen our international relationships
and alliances, especially with the United States.' (p. 15 of the Liberal
Federal Platform, 2018).

Since Prime Minister Bob Hawke, the Labor Platform (p. 172, s. 41) also
aligns with Wall Street and its Pentagon:

The United States remains our closest security ally, formalized through the
ANZUS Treaty, and a vital global partner. Labor will maintain and
strengthen Australia's close relationship with the US, a relationship
founded on our people's common democratic values and our mutual
commitment to international peace and security.

Another Prime Minister, Malcolm Fraser says Liberal and Labor allegiance
to another country attacks Australian sovereignty:

Headquarters Joint Operations Command, the command and control facility
for our forces fighting in Iraq or Afghanistan, for example, is located close to
Bungendore, outside Canberra. It relies on American satellites, on American
facilities, for the capacity to communicate. That reliance by Australia on the
United States for military communications in reality means that we cannot
conduct operations unless the United States approves of them. That is a
derogation of sovereignty. (Malcolm Fraser, 2013).

When studying other people's cruel relationships, it is important
to notice any tense feelings and thoughts in your own body, and
to dismiss these personal harmful thoughts. Meditation relaxes
and makes powerful every healthy mind and body.

The problem is, neither the US nor China (nor other power centres) allow
smaller countries to form a world organisation that protects everybody
in our world. Everyone is expected to kowtow to a military-industrial
complex, rather than make friends with everyone on the globe.

The fascist war on peaceable, ordinary people in their homes and
businesses did not end in 1945. Non-global alliances, satellite
dominance, media public relations, invasions, torture and genocides continued.

In the decades after 1945, good people failed to turn their frightened,
selfish neighbours away from addiction to a new generation of often smiling
fascist benefactors. War hell and environmental collapse are the results.

Hey, let's fix it.


Australian Labor Party. 2018, c.2013. National Platform Australia: ALP website.

Bradley, James. 2009. The Imperial Cruise: A Secret History of Empire and War. US: Little, Brown.

Cain, Frank. 1994. The Australian Security Intelligence Organization: An Unofficial History. UK: Frank Cass.

Cumings, Bruce. 2005. Korea's Place in the Sun. US: W.W. Norton & Co.

Evans, Richard J. 2005. The Third Reich in Power. UK: Penguin.

Evans, Richard J. 2008. The Third Reich At War. UK: Penguin.

Fraser, Malcolm and Cain Roberts. 2013. Dangerous Allies. Australia: Melbourne University Press/Kindle.

Liberal Party of Australia. 2018, 2002. Federal Platform. Australia: LPA website.

Mitter, Rana. 2014. China's War With Japan: 1937 to 1945. UK: Penguin.

Moyes, John S. (Forward). 1966. Vietnam and Australia. Australia: University Study Group.

Murphy, Cullen. 2013. God's Jury: The Inquisition and the Making of the Modern World. UK: Penguin.

Murphy, John. 1993. Harvest of Fear: A History of Australia's Vietnam War. Australia: Allen and Unwin

Reid, Anthony. 2015. A History of South East Asia: Critical Crossroads. UK: Wiley Blackwell.

Roberts, J.M. 1999. The Penguin History of the Twentieth Century. UK: Penguin.

Talbot, David. 2015. The Devil's Chessboard: Allen Dulles, the CIA and the Rise of America's Secret Government. US: William Collins.

Tuchman, Barbara W. 1984. The March of Folly: From Troy to Vietnam. US: Random House

Vickers, Adrian. 2013. A History of Modern Indonesia. Australia: Cambridge University Press.

Vine, David. 2015. Base Nation. US: Henry Holt.

Weiner, Tim. 2007. Legacy of Ashes: the History of the CIA. US: Doubleday.


Public Domain photos. Polish air raid photos by Julien Bryan and his Polish assistant.